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产品: 微浮选气浮污水处理机 微浮选气浮机 气浮设备
品牌: 博创
型号: BWAF
规格: 1000-4000m³/d
单价: 2800000.00元/套
最小起订量: 1 套
供货总量: 4 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 25 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-10-14 10:37


This machine is a kind of last high-tech wastewater treating equipment, which has better treating effect through new modification of Flow Pattern.


Equipment characteristic







•Using high efficiency dissolved-air system, averange diameter of miro-air buble is less than 1μm, 20 times smaller than old dissolved-air system. Under the same air-solubility, total surface area of micro-air bubble is 400 times larger at least. The researches of foreign scholars have shown that : when the diameter of micro-air bubble is less than a given number, andom thermal jigging of water molecular near micro-air bubble loses its balance, and the air bubble take part in Brownian motion, This condition is favorable for the diffusion of oxygen molecules to the wastewater. So the effcet of air floatation may may be more than 1000 times higher than the old system.

•Using special stainless steel device to get the best effcet of flow pattern, using special releasing system to relieve power of dissolved-air water. Then  dissolved-air may change down from high-energy to low-energy smoothly.

•Construction is compact , covering less room. For example:  capacity for 1000-4000m3/D, hight of euqipment is only 5.5m, floor area is only 10m2, may be installed inside the workshop.

•Low power consumption, reduce over 50% than oter equipment.

•Low chemical consumption, reduce over 50% than oter equipment.

•Consistency of scum is high, may be reach 4%, outlet water is clear, SS removal rate may be voer 96%, no-solvent COD may be remover completely.

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